Book description
For millennia, religions have claimed to hold a moral code received from a divine order that is the truth and path to right living. Philosophers too throughout human history have sought to understand the nature of mind and what moral virtues equal ethical being. In this the 21st century, Science has reached new heights in gene therapy, anti-aging and medicine while technology is creating artificial intelligence and nanotechnology. We are close to becoming gods in our own right and many religious myths of yesteryear no longer hold true for the future of tomorrow. Change is not without side effects, and in the expansion of cultural secular living there are many floundering around without a moral compass. The innate human desire to experience the spiritual has not disappeared but being authentic in a material, and often superficial world is not easy.
Born into belief systems and cultures, our convictions are deeply molded into the human psyche and conditioned we find ourselves following what society dictates, often led by emotions we are unaware of. Following one’s heart only is insufficient because we require alert reason too. Our intelligent species has all tools at our disposal to live honest, truthful and contented lives however, it starts by basing our values on truths not fiction. That requires introspection, looking at what was, what is and what will be. There is a way outside the jungle of progress, consumerism, busyness and myths, as long as we are awake to what is real and what is superficially created, by the external world or our conditioned minds. It is there where we can find and each maintain our spiritual authenticity.
Meet The Author
Lisa Kerman
About the Author
I have been in the coaching and language industry for fourteen years and in my professional and personal journey, I have been fortunate in meeting people from all walks of life and cultures. I grew up in two different African countries, namely, Zimbabwe and South Africa, leaving for Europe at twenty-two years of age, leaving behind the undemocratic system of apartheid. I settled in the bohemian city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands and at age twenty-nine. I later spent two years living in Thailand and travelling Asia from 1996 to 1998. Returning to Amsterdam, I have lived there ever since, and continued to travel to as many new places as possible because of a curiosity in human culture and language. Living on different continents teaches one much about their own culture as you are able to observe it from afar and travelling has been as much of an education to me as my graduate degree. This and my profession have taught me how diverse and unique each of us are. Just as each tree, plant, flower, and animal. The uniqueness paralleled with our similarities is as incredible to me the milky way with its stars, and diverse planets.
Interacting with people from a rich diverse tapestry, be they young, old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated is the richest experience life has to offer. I have seldom met anyone who has not had a cross to bear, or challenges to overcome when they deal with what life throws at them. Further, although our characters may range from introvert to extrovert, extremely talented to normal, religious to atheist, we still hold similar dreams, and desires, even if our instruments and ideas to attain such are totally unique. The underlying essence of our nature, through material manifestation just unfolds in different places, different times, with different people. We differ in culture, language, background, life experience, intelligence, and access to wealth, yet no matter our status or standing, we have similar needs. From an individual simplistic standpoint, observing the collective collaboration of how we share this planet is a complexity to be marveled at. We are truly a powerful potion in this caldron of consciousness which we have all been inexplicably blessed with.
I am extremely grateful when I look back at my life, remembering all the people I have met, who have shared their life stories and experiences with me. It has helped me carve and make sense of my individual own path. I would like to thank them for demonstrating how we each as individual stars, map out our constellations moving from the darkness of unconsciousness to conscious full awareness. Each has shown me how important we all are, when we connect the dots of this unique puzzle of life.